St Patrick's Makunga High School

Meshack is an 18 year old boy who sat for his KCPE at Daylight Model School in 2020 (the class that sat for KCPE in march 2021 because lessons had been distracted by covid outbreak.) He is being brought up by a single mother after experiencing domestic violence.

In 2023, Meshack developed a growth in the spinal chord that exhausted all his mother’s savings. The family has rented a house that is shared with four other siblings. He dropped out of high school just like his siblings.

We took him back to school this year at St. Patrick’s Makunga.

As we write, Meshack is back home because of the pain he is undergoing. He is supposed to be taken back to Kenyatta National Hospital for checkup. His mother, who is a hawker, cannot afford to take him back to Kenyatta National Hospital. His father who was unemployed and a drunkard vanished into thin air.

Thanks friends for giving Meshack a second chance, but will also appeal to you to assist in his treatment